I drove to Boulder City, Nevada to photograph the Big Horn sheep that make themselves at home in a local park...they were resting in the shade on a hot afternoon, that didn't take long...decided to photograph the sunset over Lake Meade...the wind patterns on the surface of the water added some interest...was back at the park for the Bighorn sheep the next morning before sunrise but they were nowhere in the area so I got a few photos of the lake at dawn....if you want a rush you can park and walk out on the new bridge that spans the canyon west of the dam...damn!! The first photo was taken from the bridge walkway...Tours thru the dam have been going on since 1937...highlights are the power room, a ventilation shaft giving you a peak of the bridge from the middle of the dam, fancy tiled corridors for the tourists and a view of metal stairs that go from the top to the bottom of the dam...It is nice not having all the traffic crossing the dam as you walk around...I went back to the park after the dam tour but the sheep were still a no-show!