I listened to the hype concerning the alignment of the planets on the dawn of June 2nd so I drove to the Mormon Lake area where I know there is a clear vista of the eastern horizon...I arrived the afternoon before and scouted the area...as you can see by the order of the photos the first thing of interest that I saw was Elk in a meadow and the last thing was Elk in a meadow...I found some things of interest, I especially like the highway views...photographed the sunset, not much water in the lake but at least some...awakened at 2:30am and was on location by 3:00 for the crescent moon rise...didn't get anything interesting there but the Milky Way was available...the water in the lake made for nice foreground and the lights in Mormon Lake Village are a nice landmark...most of the planets in the alignment where not visible to the camera...I photographed the sunrise on this spot four years ago and again had glorious colors...on my drive out of Mormon Lake Village I spotted some elk close to the road but when I slowed down they wanted to put some distance between them and me...I rolled down the passenger window for a quick photo.